YKG DMV: Days For Girls & December!
(Dec. 2018)
And just like that, we are in our last month of 2018!
Whether this year flashed by or felt like forever to you, we can all agree that the past 11 months have been full of ups and downs. This month is for reflection over the year that has almost passed. 2019 is starting soon and it's going to be a year of fresh beginnings.
We got so much done in 2018! Between a fundraiser, a trip to Pennsylvania, team bonding, induction of new girls into the group and so much more, we have been busy!
YKG DMV girls have been working tirelessly to make the first year for our PA/NJ sisters special and we are so happy to say that that has been a success. So far, PA/NJ girls have demonstrated passion and selflessness over a wide span of issues and we couldn’t be more proud.
YKG DMV just had our first project of the 2019-2020 term! On Sunday 12/9, YKG girls donated girls' underwear & towelettes to an organization called Days For Girls. We worked with them to create menstrual kits for young girls in countries where menstruation hasn’t been normalized and/or access to resources isn't available. Reusable products must be used as the elimination of waste isn't an accessible resource. We brought along some of the grandmothers in our community to donate their sewing skills and saw the looks on their faces as they joined us as part of this bigger mission.
Click some of the images below to read about the project!
Even learning about Days For Girls’ mission has created so much gratitude that we have the resources that we do, and especially about how readily available resources are to us. We also left with the lesson that a natural human function shouldn't be something that we or the girls receiving our period packages have to be embarrassed of. The amount of appreciation that we have for their mission is immense, and we were so happy to be a part of their mission. Period.
Speaking of gratitude, Thanksgiving just recently passed by! YKG DMV girls gathered with friends and family to spend time with loved ones and appreciate what we do have in life. One of the best ways to appreciate what you do have is to give back to others. Using the privilege that we have in order to build others up is one of the most active ways to show gratitude. It takes thankfulness to the next level.
As we are in the last month of 2018, take this month to reflect on the highs and lows of this year. Take those lows and develop them into what you want to change for the next coming year!
YKG DMV is ready to finish strong!