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YKG PA/NJ: End of Our First Year Ever!

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.” Giving back to others has been a major theme in this first year of YKG and we as a group have realized that putting a smile on someone’s face goes a long way.I can’t believe this first year of YKG is coming to an end. It was filled with great memories, awesome experiences and even better people. From greeting and spending time with seniors at the Pickering Manor nursing home, feeding families at the Ronald McDonald house to visiting women at a domestic abuse shelter. Each and every new experience has taught me so much. At the nursing home, we played bingo with the senior citizens and did some crafts with them. But, we also just sat down and had a one on one conversation with them. I learned that talking to these elderly people is so important because they don’t have many people that they can interact with. Our second project was feeding families at the Ronald McDonald house.This was also a great experience, teaching us that cherish every minute of life. Lastly, I really enjoyed going to the domestic abuse shelter and talking to these women who had gone through so much. Hearing their stories and what all they went through, knowing that there are so many women and men that are going through this, it really was heartbreaking. YKG has made me see things from a different perspective and I couldn’t be more grateful to be part of this group. It has not only taught me to give back to others, it has taught me to be thankful for everything, no matter how big or small it is. I can’t wait for what this next year of YKG has to offer!

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